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Writings, digital art – 2022

This artistic project is a collaboration initiated in October 2021, between the artist Alexis Salley, Aimée, a resident of an EHPAD in the Paris region, and a GAN-type artificial intelligence.

It is a plastic proposal with multiple iterations of Aimée’s memories collected over a year. The conversations are translated into texts by the artist who then submits them to an artificial intelligence to translate narrative blocks into images. The latter are then transformed into memory sculptures by Alexis Salley to feed a virtual world to come, hosting the story of Aimée and the path they have travelled together.

This project questions the relationship with artificial intelligence by attempting to confront it in a creative and sensitive space. These tools, often inaccessible to some people in our society, can they still be of interest to allow them to express themselves, to tell their stories beyond the limits imposed by age. It also welcomes a sensitive intergenerational proposal exploring existential themes, the relationship to life.

(Computer) Clic on the moving sculpture to play the sound (computer only)

Alexis Salley, Aimée à la porte dérobée de ses souvenirs, 2022

A/ Parfait alors. Moi de même, veillons sur nos besoins respectifs.
Je vais vous laisser vous reposer.

J/ Je dis pas non parce que je suis très fatiguée.

A/ Bien sûr.

J/ Mais de quoi je me le demande.

A/ Vous avez fait plein de choses aujourd’hui par rapport aux autres journées.
Et on s’est vu hier déjà, on a parlé pendant 2h, ça change pas mal vos habitudes
peut-être que c’est un peu fatiguant aussi de se replonger dans toutes ces histoires.

J/ Oh non.
Non je vis avec,
alors je rentre dans nos histoires,
comme si je rentrais par une porte dérobée.